
two people producing music
music production equipment

Solutions Focused
Through collaborative initiatives, engaging programs, and innovative research, we strive to break down barriers and create inclusive spaces that celebrate diverse voices and perspectives. Our multidisciplinary approach brings together artists, public health professionals, community leaders, and individuals passionate about the arts and health, enabling us to create impactful solutions that are rooted in both creativity and evidence-based practices.

Pierce County Public Health

reflecting statement

Pierce County Public Health selected the Center for Creativity & Public to assist in the design and delivery of community conversations that use the arts to reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic and to consider the current time of COVID-19 recovery as communities collectively to reimagine the future.  The C4CPH team worked closely with project management to design a community engagement process to engage six very different cohorts, guiding participants through reflection and abstract painting.  Though this project is still underway, early insights include the recognition that most of us have not taken the opportunity to share our pandemic stories and experiences with others. 

In the Wings & Down Center Podcast

people dancing

Along with the launch of the Center for Creativity & Public Health is the birth of a podcast series dedicated to telling stories of those who work in the arena of using the arts & humanities for social change and environmental justice.   The title of our podcast comes from the performing arts realm, where “waiting in the wings” means to provide attention and support from off-stage (or the sidelines), always with a readiness to come “on stage” to assist as needed.  Being “down center” means that you are on stage, in fact right near the audience in the centermost position.  Our work at the Center for Creativity & Public Health is to always listen for and discern where we are needed.  Our most powerful places of leadership and impact are frequently from the “wings” as we help our partners and communities take their positions of possibility at center stage.   At the Center, we are eager to connect audiences to stories and if you have a story to tell, or are aware of a story that should be told to inspire or advance learning, please contact us and introduce your idea. 

Listen now to In the Wings & Down Center Podcast or enjoy listening on your preferred podcast app.

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Center for Creativity & Public Health
St. Paul, MN
Phone 651-251-5771